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Spirit In Glass:
Plateau Native Beadwork
25 minutes
Available on DVD
$20. US + $3. S & H

Baskets of the
Northwest People
76 minutes
Available on VHS or DVD
$35. US + $3. S & H

Faithful To Continuance
58 minutes
Available on VHS or DVD
$35. US + $3. S & H

Keeping the Spirit Alive
Broadcast on PBS - Fall 1999
48 minutes
Available on VHS or DVD
$35. US + $3. S & H

Northwest Native Basketweavers
Released: December 2006
55 minutes
Available on VHS or DVD
$35. US + $3. S & H

A Treasury
Of California Baskets
49 minutes
Available on VHS or DVD
$35. US + $3. S & H